
TG Soft IT Software Security Specialist has joined AMTSO the Anti Malware Testing Standards Organization.

After participating in the meeting which was held in Innsbruck on 19th and 20th October 2015 where Gianfranco Tonello, CEO of TG Soft, participated as an auditor, the Council has also agreed AMTSO TG Soft as a full member...

Clicca per ingrandire l'immagine...TG Soft due to the excellent impression that Gianfranco Tonello, CEO of TG Soft, made it to the AMTSO board in the annual meeting which was held in Innsbruck on 19th and 20th of October 2015, where he participated as an auditor, has been accepted as a member actual being recognized by members AMTSO the activities of Research and Development of our Software House.
Clicca per ingrandire l'immagine... Special thanks go to Andreas Clementi of AV comparatives and CEO Peter Stelzhammer always AV comparatives that, as organizers of the annual conference of AMTSO in Innsbruck, allowed the CEO of TG Soft Gianfranco Tonello to participate as a listener and be able to present the candidacy of TG Soft as a future member.

AMTSO is an acronym for Anti Malware Testing Standards Organization and are part of this association:
  • Microsoft as developer of O.S. Windows®;
  • some of the leading international brand of software AntiVirus-AntiSpyware-AntiMalware world market leaders like Avira, ESET, Symantec, Trend Micro, Panda, Sophos, Avast, AVG, Kaspersky, F-Secure, G-Data, Intel Security and many others;
  • some of the best-known certification company AntiVirus software-AntiSpyware-AntiMalware internationally including AV Comparatives, ICSA labs, AV Test, VirusBullettin and others;
  • some of web platforms multimotor as OPSWAT seeing present, among the others, even Vir.IT Explorer.

The mission of  AMTSO

AMTSO Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization was founded in May 2008 as an international non-profit association whose main objective is to respond to the global improvement in the objectivity, quality and relevance of the management methods of identification test on anti-malware software.
The organization also aims to promulgate universally guidelines and standards, internationally agreed, for the evaluation of anti-malware technologies.

AMTSO defines the rules...

AMTSO deals with defining the test run on standard-AntiMalware AntiVirus software of the following types:

TG Soft proud to be part of AMTSO

For TG Soft  being part of AMTSO certainly it represents an important milestone because it sees internationally recognized almost 25 years of hard work of Research, Analysis & Development of software solutions for the unique identification, the proper removal and real-time protection from virus & modern malware made under Windows® through Vir.IT eXplorer and Android ™ environment through VirIT Mobile Security.

The CEO of TG soft Gianfranco Tonello sits at the same table, only one Italian, with representatives of the leading international brand of antivirus-AntiSpyware-AntiMalware software, certainly a milestone Important for our software house.

TG Soft

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It will be appreciated in case of use of the information of C.R.A.M. by TG Soft www.tgsoft.it in the report of summary articles the following acknowledgment/thanks “Thanks to Anti-Malware Research Center C.R.A.M. by TG Soft of which we point out the direct link to the original information: [direct clickable link]”

Vir.IT eXplorer PRO is certified by the biggest international organisation: