
2024W27 Weekly report => 01/07 2K24 - 07/07 2K24 MalSpam campaigns targeting Italy

Malware spread through the campaigns: AgentTesla, FormBook, RAT3012, XWorm

Weekly report by TG Soft's CRAM concerning Italian malspam campaigns.

Below the details of the campaigns massively spread during the week from
July 01 to July 07, 2024.

In the monitored week, both global and 
Italian campaigns decreased compared to the previous week.

The week was characterized by Password Stealers of the Families:
AgentTesla, FormBook, RAT3012 and XWorm.

The blue bar indicates the total number of campaigns monitored in Italy in each week, while the red bar concerns campaigns written in Italian (and targeting Italy).

We monitored 31 campaigns during the week, 5 of which used Italian as their language.

In order to understand how the various weeks are divided, below is a small table showing the breakdown of the periods considered:

from to
Week_24 10/06 16/06
Week_25 17/06 23/06
Week_26 24/06 30/06
Week_27 01/07 07/07

During the week, the peak in global campaigns was found on Monday, July 01, with 10 different campaigns per day. The peak of campaigns written in Italian was on Tuesday 02 and Wednesday 03, July with 2 campaigns for each day, as highlighted by the graph below:

In the following chart we see the malware families spread globally for each day in the week:

Instead in this graph we see the distribution based on malware family. In the past week 7 different families were detected:

The featured samples this week are MSIL (C#) executibles covering 25.81% of the malware sent via e-mail.
In second place are AutoIT executibles with 22.58%.
16.13% of the files are Script (JS, VBS, PS, HTML, Link, etc.).

In the picture below we can see the various types of language used to develop malware:

In the following graph we see the distribution of the various types of languages divided by day:


In this graph we can see the malware families spread during the week with target Italy (written in Italian) and composed of 4 different families:

The Italian campaigns analyzed by TG Soft's C.R.A.M. were grouped according to macro categories, obtained from the subject of the email message used for malware distribution (malspam). Below we see the subjects used in the various campaigns divided by day and type of malware

XWorm spread through a campaign themed "Transactions".

AgentTesla spread through a campaign themed "Payments".
RAT3012 spread through a campaign themed "Others".

FormBook spread through two campaigns themed "Payments".

In the past week the massive sending of MalSpam emails for the spread of the Emotet malware was not detected.

Find out if you are an Emotet target!

TG Soft, as reported in the information "
HAVEiBeenEMOTET portal to find out whether a mailbox has been used in malspam campaigns to spread EMOTET ", has provided and maintained for over a year the HAVEiBeenEMOTET service, that can help you to check if your email addresses or domains are targeted by Emotet.
Using this service you can check for free if your email addresses/domains are involved or are targets of MalSpam by Emotet.
Advanced search features and the IOC feed are available by registering and activating the API service at the link: 


Check out the June campaigns

We invite you to check out the June 2024 reports, to stay up-to-date oabout the malspam campaigns circulating in Italy

24/06/2024 => Weekly report of Italian MalSpam campaigns from June 24, 2024 to June 30, 2024
17/06/2024 => Weekly report of Italian MalSpam campaigns from June 17, 2024 to June 23, 2024
10/06/2024 => Weekly report of Italian MalSpam campaigns from June 10, 2024 to June 16, 2024
03/06/2024 => Weekly report of Italian MalSpam campaigns from June 03, 2024 to June 09, 2024

TG Soft's Anti-Malware Research Center
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